Below you can find more information about who we are and how we work
The aim of the SIR is to provide an international platform for sharing information and research data by promoting international conferences, publishing articles in international journals and allowing them to be read for free.
Ready access to research data is important for success in modern research: all the information of the research articles has value to other researchers.
Source of Inspired Research is a platform realized by the Music Academy Studio Musica (ST) that is a non-profit organization empowering the global research and innovation.
ST’s mission is to create an environment for improving research and to promote best ideas through community cooperation.
The Music Academy Studio Musica seeks to improve understanding of the musical language by considering different aspects: teaching, learning, the use of ICT, the use of AI and so on. This requires information from a diverse set of disciplines, including, but not limited to, computer science, psychology, neuroscience, library science, electrical engineering and machine learning.
More formally, the aims of the Music Academy Studio Musica are:
to foster the exchange of ideas among students, teachers, scientists and researchers, whose activities, even if diverse, stem from a common interest in the musical field,
to stimulate research, development, and improvement in teaching in all branches,
to encourage publication and distribution of theoretical, empirical, and applied studies,
to cooperate with representatives of other organizations and disciplines,
to support and encourage diversity in membership and the disciplines involved as a fundamental aspect of the society.