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IJIEST - Vol. 2 - Issue 1 - January 2020
ISSN 2612-6990
Pages: 7

Pitch-Class Integer Notation: Post-Tonal Music Theory in Music Education

Authors: Nikita Mamedov
Categories: Journal

Abstract - Atonal music has been prevalent in the twentyfirst-century musicology and music theory university curricula, and despite its presence, high school theory courses do not sufficiently emphasize the analysis and compositional process of atonality. Students often find it challenging to interpret and appreciate music with little to no amounts of melodic fluency and gravitational harmonic pulls, and additional efforts need to be shown from an educational perspective to increase students' interest and fascination in this genre. This research will propose how integer notation can complement the knowledge and understanding of atonal music in advanced music theory courses through a pedagogical outlook of an excerpt from Arnold Schoenberg's String Quartet No. 4 Op. 37.

Keywords: Atonal music, Music theory pedagogy, Pitch-class, Schoenberg

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Mamedov, N.: Pitch-Class Integer Notation: Post-Tonal Music Theory in Music Education. IJIEST. 2020 January 7; 2 (1): 1-7.
